Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Smokefree Cigarettes- Smoke Where Real Cigs Are Banned:::::::

Smokefree cigarettes are a revolution for smokers; giving a healthier, cheaper alternative to traditional cigarettes and enabling them to smoke in places where real cigs are banned. The electronic cigarette consists of a battery (which looks like the long, white part of a cigarette), the atomiser (which is the middle part and contains the e cigarette cartridge) and the inhaler (which is the brown plastic mouthpiece and looks like the brown filter of a real cigarette). The electronic cigarette uses the small lithium battery to atomize the liquid nicotine solution contained in the refill cartridge.

Tobacco cigarette prices are on the rise and many feel the crunch of this recession, it's no wonder so many smokers are turning to smokefree cigarettes. A cost-effective option for many reasons and even though many opponents are trying to discredit its effectiveness, we will look at some facts and let you the smoker form your own opinion and decide on what is cheaper. Its seems obvious that these electronic cigarettes are a much safer and healthier solution but it may premature to make it official.
The biggest problem with quitting smoking is that you don't want to give up your cigarettes. What you really want is to have your cake and eat it too. You want to carry on lighting up a cigarette at your usual smoking times every day and you also want to quit smoking.

So is it Possible to Do Both?
How many times have you seen advice about giving up smoking that tells you to pick a date to quit smoking and stop? The idea is that you use the lead up time to this date to mentally prepare yourself to stop smoking for good.
But as with almost everyone who's tried to quit smoking this way, all you're really doing in the lead up time to your quitting date is thinking about how much you're going to miss your cigarettes. And you're just hoping against all hope that when you wake up on your quitting day, some miraculous event will have happened while you were sleeping that magically took away your desire to smoke.

Price will also factor into what constitutes the best smokefree cigarette for you. Internet retailers usually offer much better pricing than brick and mortar stores. In some storefront shops, you may pay well over $100 for a basic starter kit. Given the large number of retailers online, theres no reason that you should pay this much. Between a good deal on your starter kit and being off of regular tobacco cigarettes, you can save a lot of money while enjoying a way to smoke that doesnt pollute the air and that wont offend those who hate tobacco.

Once you have determined the costs and have had the chance to compare the costs of each you will see that the cost of the smokefree cigs is yet another reason to make the switch. The cost will far outweigh traditional smoking methods and can be an effective way to ensure that you are able to reduce the risks that are also associated with traditional cigarette smoking.
Comparation of the traditional smoking fee to the electric cigarette, is far away costly than each other.I think the new invention is a good invention with no risk, non-expensive scheme of smoking again..

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